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It's something about returning to your game now and again to where I don't feel so alone. I may not be dealing with the same struggles, but in other ways, it's a sense of "I understand." Wonderful sense of tone and feeling as everything isn't "cupcakes and rainbows" all the time. Sometimes we gotta be real for a moment even if it takes seeing ourselves from another perspective. 


Oh, my god, do I ever get you. Thank you for posting this - you don’t know how much less alone this made me feel.

I think I needed this as much as you did. <3


Awwww this was so sweet!


This was very comforting and sweet, I loved the vibe of sitting down with an old friend for a chat. I think it reminded me of how empowering it can be not just to talk, but to listen to. This game made me want to reach out to old friends and see how they're doing. Some of the dialogue lines made me smile or chuckle, your writing is very personable. And the closing lines at the end? That was really nice to hear. Every about the artistic formatting from the detail on the character to the decorations around the box to the background blue matched the scene and tone perfectly. You really have an eye for framing! Thank you for making and sharing this, I really enjoyed this chat. <3


Very sweet game! Thank you for coming forth and putting it out to sea so it can be experienced :3


I absolutely loved your game! The art, the music and the dialogue were fantastic! I can honestly relate to the character in your game. It always feels like there's so many things that I want to do and I have so many ideas but there isn't a lot of time or that the person that is holding me back from creating is myself. This is a short and sweet game that left me wanting more. Thank you for making this!